Step into
your sovereign power, today.
It’s high time we step up and make our voices heard.

What is a referendum?

According to the Oxford dictionary, a referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.

How do they work?

The citizens of the country are supposed to be able to request a referendum and then go to the polls to show their support to or opposition of any matter that they consider important or urgent.

Why do we need them?

A referendum allows the public to vote directly on an issue.

So, you know … like when the government doesn’t stand up for the people … that’s when we need a referendum!

Or, if we want to replace the government, we need a referendum because we can put it to a direct vote rather than go through ‘elected’ government representatives.

Why do South Africans not have them?

Referendums work! They are legit! They are enshrined in our constitutional rights!

If you read this article, you will learn a lot about how referendums work in Switzerland and how, prior to the arrival of an ANC-led government, we once had them in South Africa too.

How will our referendums work?

By now, you might be aware that South Africans have the constitutional right to hold a referendum.

A referendum is a direct VOTE BY THE PEOPLE which GOVERNMENT MUST OBEY. A referendum is not a petition — it is a decision! A majority vote in a referendum is a constitutional right. It is not a passing comment to government.

The fact that the ANC-led government have betrayed South Africans and denied us this right is a good reason to hold a referendum to get rid of them and the system that allows them to get away with this. Perhaps that is the reason why ALL government has done nothing to fight for our rights in this regard! 

Unfortunately, based on what we have experienced over the past three years, we can be pretty sure that the media is not going to promote our referendums. 

So yes, it’s up to us, the people of South Africa to defend our freedoms and rights! 

We need to stand together in numbers and encourage all South Africans to vote. Please share this information with everyone you know using our button or any form of communication! 

If each voter shared with another 20 voters, we will reach over 50 million people in a matter of days! It’s very important and also URGENT for South Africans to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for themselves and the people they love.

Yes, government could try to deny that our referendums are legitimate – BUT, our numbers and information can be verified.

70% of us didn’t want to be “vaccinated”, didn’t vote in the last election, and we have a feeling that the same number of us are not registered with the IEC. We have the numbers — we just need to unify!

And, if a significant majority of South Africans stand together on any issue, the government will find themselves in a very difficult position, because we are supposed to be a democracy and, in a democracy, the will of the people must be done!

In international law, the will of the people of any country must be respected! 

South Africans, let’s lead the way and show the rest of the world WHAT WE WANT, and that we know our rights! 

The word democracy comes from the Greek words “demos”, meaning people, and “kratos”, meaning power — so, democracy can be thought of as “power of the people”, a way of governing which depends on the will of the people!

Can We, The People, Fire the Government?
Can We, The People, Fire the Government?

Open Referendums

Bye Bye BELA Bill – Vote NO, this Bill must GO!

The proposed Bill is the first major revision of the post-Apartheid education landscape, and will likely shape that landscape for the next 10 to 15 years.

Vote Now 124,483 votes
Vote NO to 5G and Harmful Wireless Radiation!

The government’s actions in authorising the roll-out of 5G in South Africa are a reckless breach of our human and constitutional rights to a safe environment.

Coming Soon
Power Belongs to the People: Vote NO, Eskom is Not for Sale!

Selling Eskom to big business is not the answer.

Vote Now 1,647 votes
Protect the Children
Protect the Children
Opened 27 November 2022

Cast your vote on whether or not children should be “vaccinated” against COVID-19.

Vote Now 8,322 votes
Stop Medical Colonialism: Vote NO to the WHO, UN, and AU

Vote in our referendum to withdraw from the WHO, the United Nations, the African Union, and anyone else who would like to mess with your sovereign rights.

Vote Now 6,409 votes a red list initiative © 2022—2024, All Rights Reserved.